
Someone else who could be taking words from my journal …

Owning It

In so many ways, I’ve become my perpetrators. I’ve adopted their rot and allowed it to sit over me, suffocating me.

I imagined my current self comforting me after the rape.

Young me sobbed in my arms..

He cried because his hunger brought him to this.

because this hurt.

because he was alone.

I want to cry because I’ve been here before, and I’ve hated him.

Betrayed him, beat him.

And now I just want to hold him.

I am ready to evolve.

ready to give that boy what he needs.

ready to take what I need.

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Put Down the Sword and Carry the Shield with Both Hands — Shadows Shining Through the Cracks

There’s so much that brought us to this moment So many things we could point at to blame But we’re walking into downright dangerous territory And at this point, it won’t help to give the cause a name We feel like we’ve been robbed of voice But the situation no longer gives us choice […]

via Put Down the Sword and Carry the Shield with Both Hands — Shadows Shining Through the Cracks

An Election Postmortem for American Christianity — john pavlovitz

It’s all over. It doesn’t matter who wins this election anymore. Yes, the results will declare the candidate for whom a slightly larger percentage of Americans cast their ballots and determine the residents of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue for the next four years, but it won’t change one clear, devastating truth: Christianity in this country was mortally wounded—and it was a self-inflicted……

via An Election Postmortem for American Christianity — john pavlovitz

If You’re Afraid of Election Day — john pavlovitz

Most people I know have pretty strong feelings about this Tuesday; some internal cocktail of apprehension, excitement, and curiosity. And yet though they may have deeply held convictions about the candidates and the issues, they pretty much understand beneath it all that they’ll be okay regardless of the outcome of the election—they always have been. If you happen……

via If You’re Afraid of Election Day — john pavlovitz

Explaining Progressive Christianity (Otherwise Known as “Christianity”) — john pavlovitz

This past weekend as part of a church conference, I sat on a panel discussion on “Progressive Christianity”. The host’s first request of the panelists was to describe what Progressive Christianity meant to them. My new friend, the Reverend Vince Anderson took the mic and said, “Let’s be clear: Progressive Christianity is just Christianity. We are Christians—and we are……

via Explaining Progressive Christianity (Otherwise Known as “Christianity”) — john pavlovitz